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Cord Organiser For Internet Users

Novoflex Marketing offers Cord Organix, a kit to organize and bunch the various cables of a multimedia PC set. Loose and tangled wires and cables are a common sight in today's offices and homes. An un Read more

CNC Routers Tailored to User's Needs

Thermwood offer a broad range of standard CNC routers suited to almost any routing task, fitted with their own 91000 SuperControl. The routers can be tailored to the user's specific application by sel Read more

Machine User Interface, Next Generation

DEK has launched the next generation Instinctiv, the eagerly awaited update to its popular advanced machine user interface. In the spirit of the mass imaging leader’s ‘Expect More’ philosophy, t Read more

Oscilloscopes for First-Time Users & Students

Tektronix Inc., the world’s leading manufacturer of oscilloscopes, has launched the TDS1000C-EDU Digital Oscilloscope Series designed for first-time oscilloscope users and students. Packed with feat Read more

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